The CARBOXITHERAPY is a treatment that involves the application of CO2 in order to achieve a therapeutic and aesthetic improvement . CO2 has a vasodilatory action on the microcirculation that recovers luminosity, oxygenates the tissue and revitalizes the cell
Cellulite : It manages to stimulate the metabolism, and in this way the microcirculation is increased and the accumulation of liquid is decreased. Lipolysis is decreased and fibrosis is decreased. This effect causes a reduction in orange peel skin, a decrease in volume and an improvement in the heaviness of the legs.
Flaccidity : The fabric improves in quality, achieving a smoother and smoother skin.
Stretch Marks : Decreases stretch marks favoring the production and reorganization of collagen fibers.
• Eliminates cellulite
• Drains localized fat
• Combat flaccidity
• Erase stretch marks
• Very indicated pre and post liposculpture (improves results by avoiding fibrosis)
• Eliminate Micro Varicose Veins
• Improves the appearance of dropped arms.